Textbooks: online bookstore
In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, Barnes and Noble booksellers – including our own campus bookstore – is fully compliant with textbook provisions, as ISBN numbers and existing retail price information are available on the bookstore website, and students may obtain them BEFORE purchase.
Here is the link to the bookstore, and sample directions below:
Emergency Grants
Life happens and COTC is committed to helping students stay in school. Students who are facing a temporary financial struggle may be eligible for financial assistance.
Campus Corner: Student Food Pantry
The Campus Corner: Student Food Pantry opened in autumn 2017 as a direct response to the need among our community of students for more resources to fight food insecurity.
With tuition, fees, textbook costs and living expenses, it has become increasingly difficult for students to juggle the costs of living with the costs of obtaining a degree, and thus many students are finding themselves choosing between essentials such as food and the costs of college. The food pantry was established to provide non-perishable food to those in need at COTC.
Food Services
On-campus dining services are available to students, faculty, staff and guests. Order in-person or online for pickup.
Military and Veteran Services and Resources
All students attending COTC have services and resources available to them on campus, online and in our communities. Some services and resources are specific to you, our military and veteran students.
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response
Sexual Violence Education & Support
We are the area within the Office of Student Life that addresses situations of sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner abuse, and sexual harassment. We cover the prevention and the education aspect, as well as the advocacy and support aspect of sexual violence.
Support and Advocacy
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response
Contact Student Life at 740.364.9578
AmeriCorps–COTC Student Resource Center
Helping students navigate campus and community resources.
The AmeriCorps–COTC Student Resource Center provides one-on-one assistance to all COTC students. Student Resource Center coordinators help students who face personal barriers to their academic success by connecting them to resources on campus and in the community. They address non-academic challenges, including:
- Housing and rent
- Utility bills
- Food insecurity
- Transportation
- Childcare
- Legal services
- Mental health, addiction and personal counseling
- Sexual assault or domestic violence support
- Disability services
- Technical assistance and access to computers, WiFi and other technology
- And More
Job and Family Services
The Job and Family Services organizations below offer a wide range of assistance for Ohioans. This includes employment and training assistance, unemployment benefits, cash assistance, food assistance, child care, child and adult protective services, adoption, and child support.