Paying for College


Student Financial Services

We're here to help.

The mission of the Student Financial Services is to remove financial barriers to student enrollment and retention. We strive to provide our students and parents with the information they need to make good decisions about attending and paying for college. We seek to ensure that any qualified student who desires to pursue and complete a college education has access to the appropriate financial resources to pursue their academic goals. 


Tuition and Fees

College is an investment in you. At COTC, our tuition is affordable and among the lowest in the state. Our Student Financial Services team wants to help you understand tuition costs, ways to pay tuition, and how to keep your account current.


Financial Aid

Financial aid is monetary assistance intended to help you finance your education when personal and family resources are not adequate to meet the total educational costs. 



More than $1.3 million in scholarships available annually.

A scholarship is a type of financial aid that assists students with paying for their education. A scholarship does not have to be repaid. COTC scholarships are available to recent high school graduates and new, current and returning students.


Student Employment

Work on campus

Student Employment:

  • ​Enhances the education and personal growth of students by providing work-related learning experiences.
  • Equips students with professional and practical training in their areas of academic pursuit.
  • Supplies students, who for financial reasons may not have been otherwise able to attend, with the funds to afford college.
  • Provides valuable job references for future employment.