Search: 2020

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Fire Science Technical Rescue

Associate of Applied Science

Picture of a water rescue

Technical rescue is a highly specialized “high risk/low frequency” area of fire department operations that requires a disproportionate amount of training and education when compared to “low risk / high frequency” operations in Fire and Emergency Services (FES).


COTC Awarded $99,000 from Facebook to Enhance Remote Learning

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC), a leader in career-based technical education and transfer degrees, is once again expanding critically needed access to higher education for central Ohioans. The two-year college has been awarded $99,000 from Facebook to create a one-button digital studio and smart classroom at its Newark campus and complementary smart classrooms at its three extended campus locations in Coshocton, Mount Vernon and Pataskala.


Private School Students

Private School Students have the opportunity to participate in College Credit Plus (CCP) with Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) in three different ways:

  • COTC college courses are taught by high school teachers at the high school. (Partnering high school)
  • COTC college courses are taught by COTC faculty at the high school. (Partnering high school)
  • COTC college courses are taught by COTC faculty at any of COTC’s four campuses and/or online


Short-Term Certificate

Phlebotomists draw blood for tests, transfusions, research or blood donations. They primarily work in hospitals, ambulatory centers, clinics, medical and diagnostic laboratories, blood donor centers, and doctors’ offices. Whether you work in a laboratory, blood bank or hospital, phlebotomists are a crucial part of the allied healthcare community and can work in a variety of healthcare environments. 



College Credit Plus provides students in grades 7-12 the opportunity to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses. The purpose of this program is to enhance students’ career readiness and postsecondary success, while providing a wide variety of options to college-ready students, at no or limited costs to students and families.

Students have the opportunity to participate in College Credit Plus at Central Ohio Technical College in three different ways:


Understanding nursing pathways.

An education in nursing provides students with extensive opportunities for employment. The nursing program at COTC is designed to provide you with the necessary skills required for entry into the nursing profession. Graduates not only join the workforce and become productive upon graduation, but many continue their education to earn advanced degrees.

COTC strives to present students with all the information they need to make the right decision for their future. Learn more about our nursing pathway options: