Perkins V


​The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) was signed into law by President Trump on July 31, 2018. This bipartisan measure reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) and continued Congress’ commitment in providing nearly $1.3 billion annually for quality career and technical education (CTE) programs for individuals seeking to succeed in a knowledge- and skills-based economy.

Perkins V represents an important opportunity to expand opportunities for every student to explore, choose and follow career and technical education programs of study and career pathways to earn credentials of value.

Federal Guidelines

U.S. Department of Education: EDGAR
Federal Register
Perkins V

Perkins Documents

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Guidelines and Application Process for Perkins Funding
Perkins Program Support Application
Perkins Professional Development Application
Perkins Professional Development Post-training Documentation

Perkins Funding Applications

Program Support Application

To complete the application, please download and save the application prior to completing it.
Perkins Program Support Application

Professional Development Application and Documentation

Professional Development applications will be reviewed four times per year. Please pay close attention to due dates. For those travelling during summer the applications must be submitted no later than the first Friday in June. Other due dates are: first Friday in September, first Friday in December, and first Friday in March. Late applications will not be reviewed until the next cycle. To complete the application, please download and save the application prior to completing it.

Perkins Professional Development Application
Perkins Professional Development Post-training Documentation

Appropriate Uses of Perkins Funds

Program Support

  1. Develop and implement evaluations of the technical education programs being carried out under Perkins funds.
  2. Initiate, improve, expand and modernize the quality and technology in CTE programs.
  3. Provide funds for the purchasing, leasing and upgrading or adapting of equipment, and providing instructional aides in equipment labs.
  4. Strengthen the academic and career and technical components in CTE programs through integration of content aligned with academic standards.
  5. Provide students with strong experience and understanding in all aspects of an industry.
  6. Support training and preparation for nontraditional high-skill, high-wage and high-demand occupations.
  7. Improvement or development of new technical classes and/or degrees.
  8. Develop valid and reliable assessments of technical skills.
  9. Develop, improve or expand the use of technology in vocational/technical education.
  10. Establish effective programs and procedures to enable informed and effective participation and increase completion of technical programs.
  11. Provide students with mentoring and support services in technical areas.
  12. Provide instructional aides in technical classrooms and equipment labs.
  13. Provide support for other approved technical activities that are consistent with the purpose of the Perkins Act.

Outreach/Career Pathways

  1. Provide activities to prepare and support special populations, including single parents and displaced homemakers who enroll in CTE programs.
  2. Provide CTE programs for adults to upgrade their technical skills.
  3. Provide assessment of how the needs of special populations are being met through technical programs and activities.
  4. Developing and supporting small, personalized career-themed learning communities.
  5. Support partnerships among school districts, post secondary institutions, and business to enable students to complete CTE pathway programs of study.
  6. Provide and improve career guidance and academic counseling to assist students in making informed decisions about their education and careers.
  7. Link secondary and post secondary technical educational programs, including implementing CTE career pathways.
  8. Assist technical student organizations.
  9. Provide assistance to students in finding appropriate jobs and continuing their education in vocational/technical areas.
  10. Provide support for other approved technical activities that are consistent with the purpose of the Perkins Act.

Professional Development

  1. Provide professional development programs, in-service and pre-service in state-of-the-art technical education programs and techniques to teachers, counselors, administrators, support staff, etc.
  2. Provide training of vocational/technical personnel to use state-of-the-art technology.
  3. Provide training in effective teaching skills based on new research.
  4. Provide training and technical assistance to high school and post secondary counselors, teachers and administrators.
  5. Provide programs and training to ensure teachers and personnel stay current with all aspects of industry.
  6. Provide internship and externship programs that provide business experience to teachers teaching in technical areas.
  7. Provide programs designed to specifically train teachers in the use and application of technology.
  8. Provide support for other approved technical activities that are consistent with the purpose of the Perkins Act.

Business, Industry and Economic Development

  1. Provide programs or activities that encourage industry to offer voluntary internships and mentoring programs.
  2. Provide programs or activities that encourage involvement in internship programs that provide business experience to teachers.
  3. Provide technical training for adults and school stopouts to complete their secondary education.
  4. Provide support for other approved technical activities that are consistent with the purpose of the 2018 Perkins Act.

Funding for Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO)

Department of Education Interpretation: The Department of Education’s long-standing interpretation regarding the types of CTSO costs that may be paid from federal grant funds is that Perkins funds used for the support of CTSOs may not be used for lodging, feeding, conveying or furnishing transportation to conventions or other forms of social assemblage.

Types of Direct Assistance Perkins funds may be used for these types of direct assistance if the costs are (a) related to a CTSO that is an integral part of the curriculum, and (b) part of a larger program to serve special populations or nontraditional students.