Grading Scale: RAD Didactic Courses
Final grades will be assigned as follows:
93.0 – 100 A
90.0 – 92.9 A-
87.0 – 89.9 B+
83.0 – 86.9 B
80.0 – 82.9 B-
77.0 – 79.9 C+
75.0 – 76.9 C
70.0 – 74.9 C-
67.0 – 69.9 D+
63.0 – 66.9 D
60.0 – 62.9 D-
59.0 and under F
“C” Grade Policy
Students are reminded that a grade of C or better must be
received to continue in the Radiologic Science Program. A grade
of C- or less will result in student dismissal from the program.
The student must reapply for admission following the guidelines
found in the Readmission Policy in the Student Handbook.
Grading Scale: RAD Clinical Courses
Final grades will be assigned as follows:
75.0 and above Satisfactory
74.9 and below Unsatisfactory