Semiconductor Manufacturing Certificate

2024-2025 Central Ohio Technical College


Semester 1

ENGR-221 Intro to Vacuum Systems 3
ELEC-113 * Circuits I 3
MECH-205 * Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Power 3
MATH-140 ​* # College Algebra 3




Semester 2

ENGR-220 Intro to Semiconductors 4
ENGR-210 * Quality Control / Assurance 3
ELEC-213 * Circuits II 3
ENGR-115 * Industrial Controls / Automation 3




Total Hours Required

Total Credit Hours Required for this Certificate:  25.00

Helpful Information

* Course may have prerequisites. Please check the course description to view all prerequisites and requirements.

# Course requires a “C” (2.00) grade or better to progress and graduate from this program.

The College Reserves the Right to Change Curricula without Notice
Published date – March 2024