Register for the GED Test
GED Test Preparation Classes (Adult Diploma Program)
Register for the GED Test
COTC’s Coshocton campus is the official GED test site (Pearson VUE certified) for Coshocton County. Seats are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Complete the following steps to register.
1. Create a free GED® account.
Go to and sign up. An established email address and photo ID is required to register.
2. Obtain a voucher code.
Ohio provides first-time students a voucher worth up to $80. To be eligible to receive the voucher, you must contact a Career-Technical Planning District (CTPD). Test takers are allowed one voucher code only. Voucher codes must be applied to the initial subtest only. No shows will count against your voucher code. Contact GED if you miss a scheduled exam.
3. Schedule and pay.
Log into your GED account and complete the application process by scheduling the test, entering the voucher code (if applicable), and making the remainder of the payment with a debit or credit card.
The entire test consists of four subjects (language arts, math, science and social studies). The total cost is $144 (or $36 per subject). You do not have to take all of the subjects the same day.
4. Study and take a practice test.
The GED® Ready official GED practice test is available online for $6.99 per subject.
For in-person test preparation classes, check out the Adult Diploma Program available at COTC’s Coshocton campus through a partnership with the Aspire program at Career and Technology Education Centers (C-TEC) of Licking County.
5. Take your GED test.
On the day of your GED test:
- Bring a photo ID. A photo ID is required to take the test.
- Report to the COTC Gateway 30 minutes prior to your start time to sign in.
- Completion time depends on the number of subjects taken.
5. View results.
After taking the test, view results within 24 hours in your GED account.
Reschedule a test.
If you need to reschedule, you are responsible for making arrangements with GED Testing Service prior to the day of your scheduled test. Contact GED Testing Service at 877.392.6433 to reschedule. If done in advance, you can likely take your GED test the next month without repayment.
GED Test Preparation Classes (Adult Diploma Program)
Free GED test preparation classes are offered at COTC’s Coshocton campus through a partnership with the Aspire program at Career and Technology Education Centers (C-TEC) of Licking County.
- Classes are held Tuesday 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Wednesday 11 a.m.-2 p.m., and Thursday 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
- New student orientation is available two Wednesdays per month at 9 a.m. by appointment only.
- COTC’s Coshocton campus is located at 200 N. Whitewoman St., Coshocton, OH 43812.
Contact/Register for Classes
Contact Cassie Spain, ASPIRE Instructor
C-TEC, Career and Technology Education Center of Licking County
About the Adult Diploma Program
The Adult Diploma Program at C-TEC’s Postsecondary Center is a new opportunity for any resident of Ohio who is 18 years old or older and does not already have a high school diploma or GED credential. Learning is student-centered, self-paced and begins with a career pathway in mind. From student orientation, career counseling, assessment and enrichment classes, to technical training that leads to an industry-approved credential, this program is designed to provide support and promote success during and after graduation.
Adult Diploma Program participants will receive their high school diploma upon successful completion of the credential program and acquiring the designated industry credential for their assigned program. The high School diploma is issued by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
While the program is offered at no cost to students, there are required commitments the student must fulfill to participate and continue enrollment in the programming.
- Potential Adult Diploma Program students must sign up for and complete a mandatory orientation through C-TEC’s Aspire program. Students will receive an introduction to the program and C-TEC’s Postsecondary Center. They will be assessed using the TABE test (Test of Adult Basic Education) to determine placement in the program, open OMJ and Ohio SAFE accounts, complete enrollment paperwork, and individually conference with an Aspire Instructor in regards to testing results, goal setting and career planning.
- After successful completion of orientation, students will be referred to an Aspire enrichment class where students will receive instruction to prepare them to take and pass the WorkKeys assessment. In order to be accepted into one of the approved C-TEC Adult Diploma Program courses, a student must pass each section of the WorkKeys assessment (reading, math and locating Information). Each program offering has its own WorkKeys minimum score for enrollment. There are several program options to choose from.