Legends of Loyalty Award Recipients Recognized
Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) President John M. Berry, PhD, presented five Legends of Loyalty awards at the annual Legacy and Leadership Dinner on Sept. 20. The Office of the President established the Legends of Loyalty award in 2011 to identify and recognize individuals who have, over the years, made a significant impact on the history of the college and have gone above and beyond their required duties and proven unselfish allegiance.
This year’s honorees are Brian Boehmer, Tom Comisford, the Licking County Chamber of Commerce, William L. MacDonald and Jan Tomlinson.
Brian Boehmer
As the facilities superintendent and a COTC employee for over 26 years, Boehmer is responsible for the physical facilities, including all plant operations, maintenance, custodial, and safety and security operations, on the 200-acre shared campus of COTC and The Ohio State University at Newark as well as COTC’s three extended campuses. His leadership has played a critical role in the ongoing growth and success of the two institutions. He oversaw the planning and construction of the John and Mary Alford Center for Science and Technology as well as the renovations of Adena Hall, Louella Hodges Reese Hall and COTC’s Pataskala Campus. He also ensures the safety of students, faculty and staff during weather events. Boehmer is respected by faculty and staff, both on the Newark campus and COTC’s extended campuses.
Tom Comisford
Comisford has spent his entire professional career, spanning 30 years, teaching engineering technology at COTC. He started working at the college in 1992 as an adjunct instructor teaching Landscape Design and Drafting and Introductory and Advanced Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD). He transitioned to a full-time faculty member in 1995. Today, his course load includes Introduction to Engineering, Computer Applications for Engineering, Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD and Engineering Tech Cooperative. He helped coordinate the high school egg drop competition, helped obtain international accreditation for COTC’s engineering technology programs, and assisted with the major renovation of the engineering technology program to strategically move COTC away from specialized engineering programs based on the recommendation of area industries to better align the academic programming with local workforce needs.
William L. MacDonald, PhD
MacDonald served as dean and director of The Ohio State University at Newark for 20 years, overseeing all academic, administrative and business processes to ensure a consistent, healthy and ethical work culture where everyone could achieve their full potential. For two decades, he served as an extraordinary advocate of Ohio State Newark and COTC’s special cost-shared partnership, upholding the expectation set forth by the Newark campus’s founding fathers that both schools share resources to meet the educational needs of residents and ensure the continued growth and development of the shared campus. MacDonald consistently demonstrated his commitment to the institutions’ unique partnership through significant capital projects, including the recent $27.6 million renovation of Louella Hodges Reese Hall. His commitment to racial equity and social justice is commendable, as is his promotion of a holistic approach to student success that focuses on students’ academic and personal needs.
Jan Tomlinson
Tomlinson served as the assistant to the president for the past 21 years, retiring at the end of August. She provided comprehensive support to COTC’s president, serving as a liaison to the Board of Trustees, the Cabinet, and all internal and external constituencies for matters pertaining to the Office of the President. Her unwavering commitment and tireless efforts greatly contributed to the success and growth of the college. Her meticulous attention to detail, exceptional organizational skills and professionalism enhanced the effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Her service to the Board of Trustees was particularly noteworthy, where her management of board-related matters was nothing short of exemplary. Beyond her professional contributions, her positive attitude, kindness and genuine care for the well-being of the college community have left an indelible mark on all who have had the pleasure of working with her. Her dedication extended beyond her professional responsibilities, creating a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone at COTC.
Licking County Chamber of Commerce
The Licking County Chamber of Commerce has been and continues to be an exceptional partner to COTC, from assisting with the Newark campus cost-shared agreement to aiding in establishing the college’s official charter. Special thanks during this process can be given to C. Allen Milliken, the former executive vice president of the Newark Area Chamber of Commerce. Their small but mighty team — led by COTC alumna Jennifer McDonald — is instrumental in connecting local businesses and generating valuable collaborations. McDonald and her team tout COTC as an excellent provider of technical education to companies looking to locate in our area and train their workforce. The Licking County Chamber of Commerce has been a stellar partner to COTC over the past five decades.
Carrie Lonzo, Jennifer McDonald and Atrina Good representing the Licking County Chamber of Commerce
COTC is a fully accredited, public college dedicated to providing high-quality, accessible programs of technical education in response to current and emerging employment needs. COTC has four campus locations: Newark, Coshocton, Knox and Pataskala.